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Dorothea Garland

Headshot Dorothea Garland

Dorothea Garland is from Framingham, MA and is a professional dancer in New York City. She danced with Columbia Classical Ballet in South Carolina and Jose Mateo’s Ballet Theater of Boston before moving to New York, where she has spent the last 15 years working with various choreographers and companies. She currently dances for Ballets with a Twist, Continuum Contemporary Ballet, East Coast Contemporary Ballet and Cherylyn Lavagnino Dance. Dorothea discovered The GYROTONIC® Method, as a supplement to her dancing and was blown away by how her body and range of movement began to change and expand. As she further explores this methodology, she consistently has similar eye-opening experiences as when she began. Since becoming a GYROTONIC® trainer, her continued education includes certifications in the Archway, Leg Extension Unit, Dancer Applications 1 and 2, and Gyrokinesis Foundation.